While braces can provide you with a straighter smile and a healthier bite, it can be difficult to keep your braces clean. Flossing can be a challenge if you don't know the right techniques. Our Bettendorf and Eldridge orthodontist office is dedicated to helping our clients learn the proper methods of taking care of their oral hygiene while having braces. This will allow your Bettendorf and Eldridge orthodontic treatment to be more effective.
1. Using Traditional Dental Floss
A very affordable and simple method for flossing your teeth when you have braces is by using traditional dental floss. String floss comes in both waxed and non-waxed varieties. People with braces usually find that waxed floss is easier to maneuver between the teeth. You will need a floss threader, however. The process of flossing with traditional floss includes:
- Selecting a piece of floss that is approximately 15 to 18 inches in length.
- Put the floss on your floss threader.
- Use the threader to insert the floss behind your braces.
- Use the floss to clean between two teeth at a time.
- Make sure that you get in between each tooth and down to the gum line.
- Once you have flossed your whole mouth, rinse it with mouthwash to remove any particles that have become dislodged and get rid of bacteria.
2. Dental Tape
Dental tape is very similar to floss; however, it has a much broader surface. It's used the exact same way as traditional floss; however, it tends to be more comfortable for people who have sensitive or swollen gums. It may take a bit of practice to get the hang of dental tape.
3. WaterPik or Water Flosser
A waterpik is an excellent method of removing any food and debris that is stuck in between your teeth. If you have sensitive gums, this is a much more comfortable option as well. Most people find that using a water flosser saves a lot of time. You simply add water to the reservoir tank, find the setting you want, and turn the unit on. The water will stream wherever you direct it. Flushing water between your teeth provides the same effect as traditional flossing.
4. Using a Braces-Specific Product
There are a few different products that are designed for flossing when you have braces. For example, Super Floss is a commonly used product. These products usually come in pre-cut pieces that have a plastic handle for easy maneuvering. This is an ideal option for people who are finding it hard to get floss in between their teeth by hand. It's a little more expensive of an option, but the convenience is often worth it.
We always recommend that you brush your teeth after you have flossed. This helps to remove any residual particles that have been loosened or left behind from flossing. If you would like more information or tips for flossing with braces, reach out to our Bettendorf and Eldridge orthodontist team here at Mack Orthodontics or check out our blog. We would be happy to talk to you about the different orthodontic treatment options that we have available.