Dangers of Direct-to-Consumer Orthodontic TreatmentIf you're going to do something, do it right. There are dangers involved with direct-to-consumer orthodontic treatment. Learn about them now!

Today we live in a world where people want things instantaneously—goods delivered to their homes so they won't have to go out and get what they need. While this can work with some types of products, when it comes to medical treatment of any sort people should reconsider.

If you're having skin problems you should go see a dermatologist. If your vision is acting up you should make an appointment with an optometrist. And if you desire straighter teeth you should book an appointment with an orthodontist. Sure, you could get face cream, glasses, or even teeth straightening products like direct-to-consumer aligners delivered to your home. HOWEVER, without in-person evaluations that are necessary to understand your specific needs and situation, those fixes will not be as effective and may even cause you harm in the long-run.

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) warns that (while online orthodontic companies make their treatment sound easy) without in-person evaluations and/or in-person supervision of your orthodontic treatment by an experienced orthodontist, your results may not be as reliable. They could even damage your teeth. After all, orthodontic treatment involves major movement of biological material in your mouth. So if done incorrectly, you could experience expensive and potentially irreversible oral/dental damage to your teeth, gums, bite, and more.

Before you decide to proceed with a direct-to-consumer orthodontic treatment company, bear in mind this warning. Read more on the AAO's blog today and consider these two important questions: What are you willing to sacrifice for saving a little time and money with a direct-to-consumer product? And is it better to do things the easy way or the right way?